Les bières noires: moins de préjugés, plus de curiosité!

Dark beers: less prejudice, more curiosity!

“I like all beers, except dark beers”
You can be sure that we hear that one often! This is generally followed by a list of myths about these opaque beers: too heavy, too alcoholic, too intense, too bitter... In short, you get the picture. This is where our daily in-store tastings are interesting, because we can get that reluctant customer to try a dark beer, only to hear them say: "I don't usually like dark beers, but this one -this is good!”

An oatmeal stout is chocolatey, rather smooth and sweet, and has an alcohol content of between 5 and 5.5%.
A porter is smokier and drier, very easy to drink and anything but heavy.
A dry stout is a happy blend of wood and chocolate, all while minimizing the aftertaste.
A Baltic porter is a sweet, more syrupy delight and a beer that is a pleasure to share.

In short, the only thing all dark beers have in common is that they are very tasty! If you're still wary after that, a visit to the Fridge will reassure you ;) Cheers!

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